Housecall for Health: Silent Stress Signals

Is stress affecting you this holiday season?  Fighting through the day and not sure why?

FOX News Radio’s Marghiee Teshineh has these signals that stress could be causing your woes, as well as some tips to mitigate the damage, in today’s “Housecall for Health”:

Here are some more “silent signals” you’re feeling stressed, and what you can do about them:

  • Disruptive sleep and odd dreams may be occurring, but avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed can help.
  • Bleeding gums can be a result of unhealthy eating habits at work, so keep a toothbrush at your desk.
  • Stress can also cause adult acne.  Try a lotion containing salicylic acid or see a dermatologist for a prescription.

Check out more symptoms of stress in our next report.

Housecall for Health, I’m Marghiee Teshineh, FOX News Radio.